Sunday, February 14, 2010

Callerid Blocking Cell Phones Roger Recommend A Caller ID Decryption Program?

Recommend a caller ID decryption program? - callerid blocking cell phones roger

I need a program that can be displayed on my computer with a modem that the phone calls that can on CID as "unknown" or decrypt blocks. If there is a way to craft a modem has a program, I go for this if it is not too complicated and too expensive. A friend recommended the caller ID to recover, but said he almost always has the virus and if I did not see the results. Not even the virus. This is for a landline, no cell phone.


Geoff S said...

You can not. According to the telephone company will not be sent encrypted. You can see the flow of raw data, and blocked or unknown numbers are set to the bits and the number is not sent. All I could do would be to create something that meets car unknown and blocked calls, they are prompted to enter your number and then enter this information for you. Of course, telephone companies, it was a good idea of themselves, so that you can subscribe to the same thing - ACR (Anonymous Call Rejection). You can also subscribe to ANI, which can not be blocked, but probably not worth the cost and equipment.

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