Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Black And White Horizontal Striped Scarf Black And White(or Gray) Scarf For Men..WHERE CAN I GET IT???

Black and white(or gray) scarf for men..WHERE CAN I GET IT??? - black and white horizontal striped scarf

HELLO !!!!!!!!!

whats up?
Hey, people who want to get this sound ... Black and white (horizontal stripes) .. .... Or even better !!!!!!!! Black and Gray

something ...
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?lis ...

But it's too long! and ..... too big, too big!
And I do not like the ends of the sash, white ....

Please tell me where you think you can find ..


PS I have already checked red-hot ... and I still have not found .... damn!


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