Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Osteoarthritis Knee Pain Relief Need Pain Relief For My Knee When Golfing As I Have Osteoarthritis Can Someone Help With A Creme Or Pill?

Need pain relief for my knee when golfing as I have osteoarthritis Can someone help with a creme or pill? - osteoarthritis knee pain relief

I use BIOFREEZE. You can usually get that from a physiotherapist, a massage therapist or chiropractor. Things is impressive, and comes in a roll. Also, you should insert a key to its knees. I do not know how to play golf, but I am physically active.


James C177 said...

Take the anti-imflammatories before the round. Ask a orthapedist what is good for you. Take Advil before the game and helps a lot. I suffer from arthritis, but I do not think pain in the joints of the knee playing golf.

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