Thursday, January 14, 2010

Down Syndrome Pictures More Condition_symptoms What Type Of Picture Wuold A Biologist Look At To Determine Weather A Fetus Has Down Syndrome?

What type of picture wuold a biologist look at to determine weather a fetus has down syndrome? - down syndrome pictures more condition_symptoms


3 comments: said...


Erik S said...

They should have a karyotype analysis in which all chromosomes in a cell of condensate. This suggests that the fetus has three copies of chromosome 21, if you have Down's syndrome. I know of no other way to definitively rule out Down.

Shark Gumbo said...

Karyotype shows that the syndrome of trisomy 21 Down.

This is the most common cause, but many of the most common, which is a translation Robertsonian 14/21.

New technologies such as FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) probes are able to identify these cases.

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