Thursday, January 7, 2010

Getting Rid Of Cat Fleas Whats The Best Thing For Getting Rid Of My Cats Fleas? And Can I Get Fleas From My Cat?

Whats the best thing for getting rid of my Cats fleas? And can I get fleas from my cat? - getting rid of cat fleas

My cat always itching and I feel terrible. These chips to eat me alive! I bought a cheap flea collar ... but it does not help much, because it only around the neck ... NO OPINION !!!!! And since I'm paranoid now! Humans can get smart pet?


Ashley S said...

I recommend you buy Frontline. Not too expensive but works wonders. You have to make to the hairline at the back of the neck of your cat. If there fleas on your cat, then maybe there are fleas in your carpet, you can use your veterinarian or local pet store and get some flea spray for your carpets visit also because the possibility of fleas and eggs in your carpet.

Man can not "get" chips, but the fleas bite humans, though.

Mila said...

I use Advantage. It's a bit expensive, but works like a charm.

fieldwor... said...

I'd say a Veternarian that flea collars are useless. I use Advantage for my cats and it works really well. I spend Drs Foster and Smith. You might get fleas. I know that if you are near a cat that has fleas, then at another cat, is not the chip, which may happen to be the cat flea, not infected.

If you say something to your veterinarian about the different flea products available.

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